Litollo Bamboo Weaking blanket 12 kg - Gray - 150x200cm


Color: Gray
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Litollo guarantees the very best quality products. Litollo's weighting blanket is a therapeutic blanket with a weight of 12.0 kilograms that helps you to fall asleep like a block. The use of the blanket gives you the feeling of being cuddled, the weighting blanket literally and figuratively falls like a heavy blanket around you so that your body feels stored and protected.

Plus points:

  • Breathable, absorbent material;

  • Nice size that the body completely encloses;

  • Weakness blanket is washable by hand;

  • Ideal for spring and summer month;

  • Stimulates production of melatonin and serotonin.

The litollo weighting blanket is the perfect blanket during the hot and cold months, the bamboo fiber works like a thermal insulator which ensure that a perfect separation is laid between the warm and cold air. The bamboo fiber feels cool by nature and lets the body breathe sufficiently so that it can lose its/her heat.
The substance is antistatic and absorbs moisture. The moisture is transported by the bamboo fibers to the surface where it evaporates. This process ensures that the body stays cool during the warm nights in the spring and summer months.

When a weighting blanket is used during the night's rest, the body relaxes better, the body produces melatonin and serotonin. Melatonin is also called the sleep hormone. This makes us feel sleepy when it gets dark. The production of this is negatively influenced by, for example, the light of our smartphone, laptop or television. Serotonin has an effect on our mood and is a kind of happiness hormone that produces your body, this hormone reduces your stress and anxiety level.

The weighting blanket of Litollo, apart from the production of melatonin and serotonin, ensures that the body relaxes. When normally a lot of rotation and crowded during the night, this will reduce the use of a weighting blanket, the weighting blanket causes the back pressure that brings the body to rest.
Because the stress and fear flow from the body, the body comes to sleep more easily and the body stays in deep sleep for longer. The brake sleep, or dream sleep, will improve so that body and mind have completely relaxed the next day.

Wearing blankets are not only suitable for use with sleeping problems, but are also successfully used in treating ADHD, autism, Tourette and so on.


  • Material: bamboo fiber;

  • Format: 150 cm x 200 cm;

  • Weight: 12.0 kg;

  • Colour: Grey.

Note: no cover is supplied with the weighting blanket, these are available separately.